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August 20, 2010

Another bear kills a human being.  When will we learn?  A caretaker of a wild animal compound that let bears wrestle with customers was killed by one of the non-wrestling bears at feeding time.  The victim also took care of several other wild animals in the facility.    I for one don’t think that a wild animal can be domesticated to the point where it will never attack a person.  It’s been proven that even a pit bull dog will turn on his owner or worse yet,  on an innocent bystander.  Wild animals should stay in the wild and people should be weary of wild animals when in the wild.  Remember the guy that lived in Alaska with bears for several months?  He got real close to them and even named some of them.  He and his girlfriend ended up being lunch for one or several of the bears.  Don’t mess with dangerous animals!  Please read the following link: