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September 25, 2012

After watching the Dallas Cowboys play the last two games, I just don’t see them going anywhere close to the playoffs.  These guys look pathetic, sick, unmotivated, etc.  For the longest time, I mainly blamed Tony Romo.  Now, it’s to the point that 40% of the team is not contributing.  The offensive line needs a complete refurbishing.  These guys are bad!  How about all the false start penalties?  They need to to back to basics, like “hut one, hut two and hut three”.  All the other crap that Romo yells in the backfield only serves to confuse these poor guys.  Calling the play “on one, two or three should help alleviate the false start problem.  Okay, I am joking but still, that’s the way we started in elementary school and it worked.  what else could be the problem?  The defensive side looked pretty good to me.  They played a good game.  Now,  if everyone could get on the same page the Cowboys can beat the Chicago Bears?  hmmm.  Please click on the following link to read how Steven Miranda grades some individual Cowboys on their play vs  Tampa Bay: