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Several folks have commented concerning Texas A&M’s quarterback, Johnny Manziel.  Some say that Manziel is not an NFL type quarterback and that he will be a bust.  I am going out on a limb and suggest that he will be an outstanding NFL quarterback, however, if he continues to be a reckless runner, he’s going to get hurt.  I understand, his style includes running, but, maybe he can tone it down some.  Don’t take me wrong, I love to see this guy run, I just don’t want to see him get hurt.  I’m wishing the Houston Texans draft him, however, all the sports pros say he will not go first.  I cannot wait to watch him play in the pros, no matter what team takes him.  Below, is an article on, written by Michael Schotty NFL National lead writer on this subject.  Please click the link to read: