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I watched a documentary on television the other day.  It was about this crazy dude named Kevin Richardson, “The Lion Ranger”.  I am going to give you my opinion of his antics, if that’s what one calls what he does.  This guy is following the same pattern as the Timothy Treadwell, The Grizzly Man.  A pattern of irresponsible, weird behavior that in their minds, wild killer animals “can be your friend”.  One difference, it seems, is that Kevin Richardson appears to be hanging around lions that were raised from babies versus the Grizzly Man going into the wild in Alaska to make friends and live amongst the grizzly bears.  However, When I watched the documentary of the Lion Ranger, I think Kevin Richardson is nuttier than the Grizzly Man.  He goes inside the compound of grown lions, both male and female and plays with them like we play with our friendly dogs.  He also has Hyenas running around in the same enclosure.  If this guy doesn’t wake up soon and smell the roses, he won’t be able to smell the roses at his wake.  I seriously think that it won’t be long before one of these animals turns on him and either injures him critically or kills him.  Do you all remember the tiger incident with Sigfried and Roy?  The tiger had been Roy Horn’s beloved pet and show performer for a long time.  One day, the tiger remembered he was wild and grabbed horn by the neck and would not turn loose  Horn was injured pretty seriously.  This too, I’m afraid,  will happen to The Lion Ranger eventually.  What do you think?  Please click on the following video to watch this guy in action: