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Corpus Christi, Texas

May 9, 2010

Joe De Santos, Sr.

Let me be the first to say, “the honeymoon is over”.  I dare say that Tiger Woods’ domination of the PGA world golf links is over.  I am no expert in golf or anything else, however,  I know that this game is mind over matter and his mind can’t dominate the matter.  I’m not saying that he will not win anymore.  He’s too good a player.  He’ll still be one of the top money winners, he just won’t win as much.  It’s going to be hard for him to get back to the flawless form he displayed all these past years.  For one thing, folks don’t love him as much.  He knows it and that’s hard for a human being to ignore.  They want him to fail.   I hear guys talking bad about him when I’m at the golf course.  I had hardly heard anyone speak bad about Tiger before he screwed up.   To be fair to him, several people also defend him.  I’m one of them.  This guy did what a lot of men do and never get caught.  And if they get caught, it’s not all over the news, almost every day.  This stuff  plays with your mind.  I venture to say that the only way Tiger will get back to form is to reconcile with his wife and have his kids at his side.  This will calm him down and he will get back to business, concentrating on the game; otherwise, as Dandy Don Meredith used to sing:  “Turn out the lights, the party’s over”.